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Category 1 Alarm System
User Operating Instructions
Incorporating operating instructions for the Multi-Function Keypad
For use in all EU member states
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
About the Security System (see also any special notes on page 16)
Parts included in your SUBARUCategory 1 Alarm System
Programmable Features
Page 2
Page 3
Page 3
2. Operation of the Security System
Arming the Security System
Disarming the Security System
Disarming & Operating Boot Release (2004 MY Legacy saloon only)
Ultrasonic Interior Protection
Arming the Security System without Ultrasonic Interior Protection
Automatic Immobilisation and Starting the Vehicle
Personal Panic/Siren Test
Page 4
Page 4
Page 4
Page 4
Page 5
Page 5
Page 6
If the Security System is Triggered
Page 6
3. Security System Options
(These can be turned on or offbyyour SUBARUdealer)
Door Open Warning Bleeps
Auto Arm
Auto Arm with Door Locking
Auto Re-arm
Page 7
Page 7
Page 7
Page 8
4. Emergency Override Using the Multi-Function Keypad
Disarming the Security System if it fails to operate using the Radio Transmitter Page 8
Arming the Security System if it fails to operate using the Radio Transmitter
Changing the Security System s PIN (Personal Identification Number) Code
Page 9
Page 9
5. Changing the way the Security System operates
using the Multi-Function Keypad
Keypad Feature Summary Table
Last Trigger Isolation
Exclude Ultrasonic Interior Protection (next armed period only)
Enable/Disable Safety-Lock
Displaying Vehicle s Battery Voltage
Enable Super-Lock
Adjusting Door Open Warning Bleep Volume
Page 10
Page 10
Page 11
Page 11
Page 11
Page 12
Page 12
6. Radio Transmitters
Replacing the Batteries in a Radio Transmitter
Teaching New Radio Transmitters to the Security System
Page 13
Page 14
7.Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Table
Page 15
Page 16
8. Notes
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1. Introduction
About the Security System
Operated correctly, this SUBARU Category 1 Alarm System will protect your vehicle
against today s sophisticated thief, however this security system is designed as a
deterrent against the theft of, or from a vehicle, and as such cannot offer any guarantee
against such occurrences. Always follow the advice of the Police, lock your vehicle at all
times, park in a well lit area whenever possible and never leave valuable items in a
vehicle where they can be seen. Your local Police Crime Prevention Officer will be
pleased to advise you about general vehicle security precautions.
This SUBARUCategory 1 Alarm System complies with the Thatcham MIRRC criteria. The
Thatcham MIRRC organisation was set up on behalf of the ABI (Association of British
Insurers) to establish design and manufacturing quality standards for vehicle security
systems. Security systems complying with the Thatcham MIRRC criteria are rigorously
tested for quality, functionality, electro-magnetic interference resilience and their ability to
resist physical and electronic attack from a vehicle thief.
The security system complies with the following criteria:
European Vehicle Security Directives 95/54 EC (EMC) and 95/56 EC (Security)
Type approval number: e11 AI 00 0023
Operates on the DTI and R&TTE approved radio frequency of 433.92 MHz
For use in all EU member states.
Thatcham Category 1 approved alarm/immobiliser system
Please consult your dealer for the correct evaluation number for your vehicle.
The following is given as a guide only:
1999 & 2000 MY
2001 & 2002 MY
2003, 2004 & 2005 MY
1999, 2000 & Early 2001 MY
Late 2001 & 2002 MY
2003, 2004 & 2005 MY
TC2- 1265/1002
1999, 2000 & Early 2001 MY
Late 2001, 2002 & 2003 MY
2004 & 2005 MY
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Parts included in your SUBARUCategory 1 Alarm System
Two high security, radio transmitters. These transmitters use a 56-bit randomly
encrypted code and are resistant to radio frequency code scanning and grabbing.
Intelligent, self-adjusting, ultrasonic sensors providing interior protection. These are
mounted inside the passenger compartment.
Multi-functional keypad. Mounted within the vehicle, the keypad can be used as an
emergency override to disarm the security system and also to select security system
features , refer to pages 8 and 10 for information on this.
Siren with independent self-contained power supply and secure computer controlled
data link to the security system control unit. Usually mounted under the bonnet.
3 independent door, boot and bonnet protection circuits.
Dashboard mounted LED (light emitting diode). This is the security system sstatus
light, which also acts as a visual deterrent.
2 self-arming, independent, engine immobilisation circuits.
Security system ECU (electronic control unit). The ECU is concealed within the
vehicle and connected to the various points in the vehicle and forms the brain ofthe
whole security system.
Two self-adhesive labels with the PIN code for your security system. This number is
unique to your security system and you must keep these in a safe place.
Certificate of Compliance , which when completed correctly by your supplying
dealer may entitle you to a discount on your vehicle insurance premium (Applies to
most major insurance companies).
Programmable Features
The security system is microprocessor controlled and this enables you to benefit
from a number of enhanced user friendly features. If you wish to have these
enabled, consult your SUBARUdealer. These include:
Door Open Warning Bleeps will alert you if a door is inadvertently left open. The
security system can give a series of warning bleeps when armed.
Auto Arm can automatically arm the security system, after the last door is closed, if
accidentallyleft unarmed.
Auto Re-arm can automatically re-arm the security system, if accidentally disarmed.
Safety-Lock can automatically lock the doors & boot when the ignition is turned on.
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2. Operation of the Security System
Arming the Security System
Vacate the vehicle closing all windows, doors, boot and bonnet.
Give the radio transmitter button a quick press, whilst standing near the vehicle.
The security system will acknowledge arming with 4 flashes of the vehicle s hazard
warning lights and the doors will double-lock.
The security system will then enter a pre-set state , thisstate is used by the security
system s microprocessor to monitor the vehicle s internal environment before setting the
sensitivity of the ultrasonics.If a door, boot or bonnet has been inadvertently left open, the
siren will continuously bleep (dependent on programming) for 15 seconds as a warning to
close everything securely. If this happens, disarm the security system (see below), close
all doors etc. securely, and re-arm. Failure to do this within 15 seconds will result in the
siren sounding at full power.
Disarming the Security System
Give the radio transmitter button a quick press, whilst standing near the vehicle.
The security system will acknowledge disarming with 1 flash of the vehicle s hazard
warning lights and the doors will unlock.
Disarming & Operating Boot Release (2004 MY> Legacy saloon only)
Press the radio transmitter button to disarm the system in the normal way, however
continue to keep the button pressed for the boot release feature to operate.
The security system will acknowledge disarming with 1 flash of the vehicle s hazard
warning lights and the doors will unlock, shortly after this the boot will also open. The
button can now be released.
Ultrasonic Interior Protection
The interior protection system in the SUBARU Category 1 Alarm System employs a
sophisticated microprocessor controlled ultrasonic method of detection. Unlike
conventional ultrasonic detectors this method ensures that an actual entry has occurred
rather than just air movement, air pressure fluctuation, seat belt movement, etc.
Whenever the system is armed:
Initially the dashboard LED flashes dimly for the first 15 seconds. During this period
the ultrasonic sensors are inactive. This allows the air movement inside the vehicle
The dashboard LED will then flash brightly for the next 15 seconds. The ultrasonic
sensors are now active. The alarm system s microprocessor monitors the interior of
the vehicle, and will reduce the sensitivity (from the maximum sensitivity
programmed by the installer) if any background movement is detected that would
cause a false alarm (if excess movement is detected during this period the LED will
remain illuminated for a second, indicating that the sensitivity has been reduced).
After the first 32 seconds the dashboard LED will flash dimly again. The system is
now fully armed and the ultrasonic sensitivity is set to the programmed maximum or
the reduced level if some background movement was detected.
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The ultrasonic interior detection system also employs a movement/time method where a
certain amount of movement in a given time is also required to cause a trigger.
This method of detection offers a high level of protection against false alarms that are
commonly associated with other systems that employ inferior methods of detection.
Arming the Security System Without Ultrasonic Interior
W arning: Impreza and Forester models from 2003 model year and Legacy models
from 2004 model year are equiped with double-locking doors. People should not be
left inside these vehicle s with the alarm armed under any circumstances. When
armed, the vehicles doors double-locked automatically and cannot be opened
internally! If armed in error, with an occupant in the vehicle, the system should be
disarmed and a door must be opened and shut to prevent auto-rearming and
locking occuring.
Arming the security system without ultrasonic interior protection will be necessary,yetstill
provides limited protection, if you wish to leave animals inside the secured vehicle or the
windows/sunroof open whilst the vehicle is left unattended. Sensible safety precautions
should be exercised if considering these actions! Todothis:
Turn the vehicle signition on,give the radio transmitter button a quick press.
The dashboard mounted LED will flash once.
Turn off the vehicle s ignition immediately.
Vacate the vehicle closing all doors, boot and bonnet.
Give the radio transmitter button a quick press, whilst standing near the vehicle.
The security system will acknowledge arming with 8 flashes of the vehicle s hazard
warning lights, instead of the normal 4. The doors will double-lock as normal.
Ultrasonic interior protection will be restored the next time the security system is
armed in the normal way.
* Also possible using the multifunction keypad. See page 11for details.
Automatic Immobilisation and Starting the Vehicle
The alarm system is armed and disarmed by your radio transmitter, however the vehicle
also has immobilisation circuits that set automatically after the ignition is switched off.
This is a Thatcham MIRRC requirement so that the driver cannot forget to set the
immobilisation system. Although the vehicle is immobilised, the alarm system is not
armed and the interior, doors, boot and bonnet circuits are not protected until the radio
transmitter button is pressed to arm the security system.
Impreza/Forester 1999-2002 MY and Legacy 1999-2003 MY.
When the ignition is turned off on these vehicles, the dashboard mounted LED will be
switched to a constant on state for 30 seconds (dependent on programming). During this
LED on time you may start the vehicle. After this time the LED extinguishes to indicate
that both immobilisation circuits have armed automatically. On disarming the security
system, the dashboard mounted LED will again be switched to a constant on state for 30
seconds (dependent on programming). During this LED on time you may start the
vehicle. After this time the LED extinguishes to indicate that both immobilisation circuits
have armed automatically.
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If, in both cases, you wish to start the vehicle after the dashboard LED has extinguished
(which indicates that the automatic immobiliser has re-set) turn on the ignition, give the
radio transmitter button a quick press, then start the vehicle within 30 seconds (dependent
on programming). You may repeat this switch ignition on press radio transmitter
button start vehicle sequence as often as you like. Alternatively after the dashboard
LED has extinguished, arm then immediately disarm the security system, then start the
Impreza/Forester 2003 MY onward and 2.0 Legacy 2004 MY onward.
When the ignition is turned off on these vehicles, the dashboard mounted LED will be
switched to a constant on state for 30 seconds (dependent on programming). During this
LED on time you may start the vehicle. After this time the LED extinguishes to indicate
that the immobilisation circuit has armed automatically. On disarming the security system,
the dashboard mounted LED will again be switched to a constant on state for 30
seconds (dependent on programming). During this LED on time you may start the
vehicle. After this time the LED extinguishes to indicate that the immobilisation circuits has
armed automatically.
2.5 & 3.0 Legacy 2004 MY onward.
When the ignition is turned off, or when disarming the security system on these vehicles,
the dashboard mounted LED will be switched to a constant on state for 30 seconds
(dependent on programming), however the vehicle simmobilisation circuits only arm when
the vehicle s coded key is removed from the ignition barrel. When the vehicle s coded key
is returned to the ignition barrel the immobiliser automatically disarms and the vehicle can
be started.
To summarise, in all instances, if the LED is constantly on , you can start the
Personal Panic/Siren Test
(Not 2004 MY> Legacy saloon models with Boot Release)
If the transmitter button is pressed and held down for 5 seconds (dependent on
programming) the siren will sound and the indicators will flash for a short time.
Due to the method of activation, this feature is not available on Legacy saloon models if
the Boot Release option is turned on. If you would prefer to have the Personal Panic
feature instead of Boot Release, your dealer can disconnect the Boot Release output.
If the Security System is Triggered
If the security system is triggered, the siren will sound at full power for approximately 30
seconds, after which the siren will stop and the security system will immediately re-arm
ready for any further attack. Pressing the radio transmitter button will disarm the security
system whenever it is sounding.
When the security system is sounding, and the radio transmitter button is pressed to
disarm the security system, the doors will remain double-locked as a safety feature. To
unlock the doors simply re-arm then disarm the security system.
The security system has an anti-nuisance feature, allowing each protected circuit to only
trigger 10 times (dependent on programming) in any armed period, after which the circuit
causing the continual trigger will shut down, leaving all other circuits protected.
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3. Security System Options
(These can be turned on or off by your SUBARUdealer)
Door Open Warning Bleeps
This feature is turned on at installation,but can be turned off by your SUBARU dealer.
W ith this feature on the security system will bleep, if armed when a door, bonnet or
theboot is still open or ajar. If you arm the security system in this instance the siren will
repeatedly bleep for 15 seconds after the radio transmitter button is pressed. If the
security system is not disarmed or the open door, bonnet or boot is not closed within 15
seconds, the siren will then sound at full power. This will continue for ten 30 second
cycles, after this the open door, bonnet or boot will be ignored by the security system (to
conform to noise abatement laws) and is no longer protected.
One door left open in this way may affect the protection on all other doors,
depending on the model of vehicle.
W ith the Door Open Warning Bleeps programmed to off this facility will
function in the same way but without the audible warning.
Auto Arm
This feature is turned off at installation,but can be turned on by your SUBARUdealer.
Auto Arm will automatically arm the security system if the vehicle is accidentallyleft
unarmed.The security system will automatically arm a pre-set time (dependent on
programming e.g. 60 seconds) after the ignition has been switched off, the vehicle
vacated, and the last door, boot or bonnet has been closed.If a door, boot or bonnet
remains open, or is opened during the programmed time, the security system will not arm
until that door, boot or bonnet is closed. As a warning that Auto-Arm is going to
automatically arm the alarm, the siren bleeps twice when you open the door to exit the
Ifthe Door Open Warning Bleeps have been programmed to off there will be no
warning bleeps to advise you that this feature is active.
Auto Arm with Door Locking
This feature is turned off at installation,but can be turned on by your SUBARUdealer.
This feature operates in the same way as Auto Arm , however the vehicle s doors will
also automatically double-lock at the same time the security system auto arms.
Be sure to remove your car keys and not to leave occupants in the vehiclewhen
leaving the vehicle if you have chosen the Auto Arm With Door Locking option,
otherwise they may be locked in the vehicle!
W arning: Impreza and Forester models from 2003 model year and Legacy models
from 2004 model year are equipeed with double-locking doors. People should not
be left inside these vehicle s with the alarm armed under any circumstances. When
armed, the vehicles doors double-locked automatically and cannot be opened
internally! If armed in error, with an occupant in the vehicle, the system should be
disarmed and a door must be opened and shut to prevent auto-rearming and
locking occuring.
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Auto Re-arm
This feature is turned on at installation, but can be turned off by your SUBARUdealer.
Auto Re-arm willautomatically re-arm and double-lock a pre-set time of 60 seconds
(dependent on programming), from the system being disarmed by the radio transmitter,
provided that no door, bonnet or boot has been opened during that time.This
prevents the vehicle being vulnerable if the radio transmitter button is pressed by mistake
perhaps from inside your house while your car is parked close by in the driveway or
street, or if children press the radio transmitter button in play! This feature provides extra
security with no inconvenience.
4. Emergency Override Using the
Multi-Function Keypad
In the following sections describing the functions of the multi-function keypad,
reference to a PIN code will be made. The PIN code for your security system will
have been issued to you on two self-adhesive labels. This PIN code is unique to
your security system and you must keep it in a safe place. Alternatively you can
change the PIN code printed on the issued labels, to one of your own choice that
you can easily remember. Failure to recall your PIN code could increase the cost of
replacing or adding further radio transmitters and will prevent yourself and your
SUBARU dealer from overriding the security system in the unlikely event of radio
transmitter failure. If you do not know, or have forgotten your PIN code then your
SUBARU dealer can reset this for you, provided that the security system is not
When using the keypad, each time a button is pressed the LED on the keypadwill
flash once as confirmation. The next button should not be pressed before this
confirmation. However, you only have 10 seconds to enter the next character.Ifyou
do not press the next character within this time period the LED on the keypadwill
flash repeatedly,after which you must start the sequence again from the beginning.
Disarming the Security System if it fails to operate using the
Radio Transmitter
If the radio transmitter fails to operate the security system, due to a depleted battery in the
radio transmitter for example, or its total loss/damage, the security system can be
disarmed using the keypad. Todothis, enter the vehicle (the siren will sound), type your
PIN code into the keypad, the security system will disarm in the normal way. The vehicle
should be started whilst the dashboard LED is still illuminated, before the self-setting
immobiliser re-arms. The keypad only allows three attempts to enter the correct PIN
code. If a third incorrect PIN code is entered the security system will ignore all PIN
code entries for 30 minutes. This is a security feature.
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Arming the Security System if it fails to operate using the
Radio Transmitter
If the radio transmitter fails to operate the security system, due to a depleted battery in the
radio transmitter for example, or itstotal loss/damage, the security system can be armed
using the keypad. To do this open and leave open the vehicle s door,type your PIN code
into the keypad, the security system will arm in the normal way, immediately close the
door and manually lock the door with the vehicle s door key.
The above procedure can be avoided if your second radio transmitter is to hand.
Changing the Security System s PIN (Personal Identification
Number) Code
When using the keypad, each time a button is pressed the LED on the keypadwill
flash once as confirmation. The next button should not be pressed before this
confirmation. However, you only have 10 seconds to enter the next character.Ifyou
do not press the next character within this time period the LED on the keypadwill
flash repeatedly,after which you must start the sequence again from the beginning.
W ith the ignition switched off and the security system disarmed,type into the keypad the
Where AAAA represents the old 4-digit PIN code and BBBB represents the newly
chosen 4-digit PIN code. To confirm correct input of your PIN code the siren will bleep
after entering the last digit. The number 92 is the access code/command which notifies
the alarm unit to accept the new PIN code.
So for example if the existing PIN code is 1234 and you wish to change it to 6789 you
would type in:
Old PIN code (the alarm will bleep)
Notifies the alarm to accept the new PIN code
Enter the new PIN code
Confirms the new PIN code
Stores the new PIN code to the alarm. This will be followed by a bleep
Example only
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5. Changing the way the Security System operates
using the Multi-Function Keypad
Keypad Feature Summary
Last Trigger Isolation
Allows the security system to be set if a door, boot or
bonnet switch on the vehicle is not functioning correctly, causing false alarms.
For future use.
Excludes Ultrasonic Interior Protection
during the next armed period only.
(Also possible using Radio Transmitter see page 5).
For future use.
Switches on Safety Lock .
Switches off Safety Lock .
For future use.
For future use.
Display the Vehicle s Battery Voltage via dashboard LED.
Switches on Super-Lock once the security system has been armed.
(Star) Adjusts Door Open Warning Bleep volume, also for programming.
(Hash) For programming your security system.
Last Trigger Isolation (Option 0 on the keypad).
Ifafter arming the security system, the Door Open Warning Bleeps continue to sound or
the alarm system repeatedly triggers for no apparent reason, yet all the doors, bonnet and
boot appear to be closed correctly, this may indicate a fault on one of the switches that
trigger the security system. On a normal security system this would mean the entire
vehicle would have to be left unprotected. The faulty switch would result in a trigger if an
attempt were made to arm the security system. To exclude the switch causing the fault
turn on the vehicle s ignition, give the radio transmitter button a quick press, type 0 on
the keypad and immediately turn off the ignition. Arm the security system in the normal
way.Ifthe door open bleeps are active the siren will bleep as before for 15 seconds, but
the security system will no longer trigger on the troublesome circuit after this period. You
must repeat this process each time you arm the security system.
This function means that you can leave the vehicle protected on all circuits with the
exception of the faulty door, boot or bonnet switch.
Any fault should be rectified by your SUBARU dealer as soon as possible.
Remember the vehicle is not fully protected in this situation, and one faulty door
switch may affect the protection on all other doors, depending on the model of
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Excluding Ultrasonic Interior Protection (Option 2 on the keypad)
Arming the security system without ultrasonic interior protection will be necessary if you
wish to leave people or animals inside the secured vehicle (sensible safety precautions
should be exercised if considering this action!). This facility may also be used to provide
limited protection of the vehicle if left unattended with the windows and/or sunroof open.
To do this turn on the vehicle s ignition, give the radio transmitter button a quick press,
type 2 on the keypad and immediately turn off the ignition. Vacate the vehicle, closing all
doors, boot and bonnet. Now arm the security system in the normal way.
The security system will acknowledge arming with 8 flashes of the vehicle s hazard
warning lights, instead of the normal 4.
Ultrasonic protection will be restored next time you arm the security system in the normal
Enable/Disable Safety-Lock Feature (Options 4 and 5 on the keypad)
Many Police forces now recommend that you lock your vehicle s doors whilst driving,
Safety-Lock prevents you from having to remember to do so. If all the doors, bonnet and
boot are closed and you turn on the vehicle s ignition all the doors and boot will single-
lock. Unlike double-locking, the doors can be opened internally at any time. When you
turn off the ignition all the doors and boot will automatically unlock.
To stop the doors and boot locking on a single occasion, for example if you wish to start
the engine and then vacate the vehicle, perhaps to scrape ice from the windows, opena
door and turn on the vehicle s ignition, after 1 second the vehicle s hazard lights will give
asingle flash. It is then safe to close your door and Safety-Lock willnot lock your doors
until the next time you turn the vehicle signition off then on again.
To enable Safety-Lock turn on the vehicle s ignition, give the radio transmitter
button a quick press, type 4 on the keypad and immediately turn off the ignition.
Safety-Lock will now function as described.
To disable Safety-Lock turn on the vehicle s ignition, give the radio transmitter
button a quick press, type 5 on the keypad and immediately turn off the ignition.
Safety-Lock is now disabled and will not operate your door locks.
All people driving the vehicle should be made aware that Safety-Lock is enabled,
to prevent them inadvertently locking the keys inside the vehicle.
Displaying Vehicle s Battery Voltage(Option 8 on the Keypad)
Turn on the vehicle s ignition, give the radio transmitter button a quick press, type 8 on
the keypad and immediately turn off the ignition. The dashboard LED will flash the
approximate voltage of the vehicle s battery (i.e. 12 flashes = 12 volts). A battery voltage
below 9 volts can affect the security system s correct operation and the vehicle may not
start. If your security system is armed and you have power loss, the radio transmitter may
not operate the security system, and your emergency override keypad may not operate.
Recharge the vehicle sbattery if possible, or contact your motoring organisation.
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Enable Super-Lock(Option 9 on the keypad)
Many vehicles are stolen when thieves break into your home and steal your car keys and
radio transmitter, perhaps while you are on holiday. Super-Lock works by temporarily
ignoring all radio transmitters.
Once Super-Lock has been enabled, only when the PIN code is entered into the keypad
will the security system disarm. There is of course a little inconvenience when you disarm
the security system yourself, because you must first trigger it in order to gain access to
the keypad. However Super-Lock does offer a very high level of security to your vehicle
whilst your radio transmitter is not in your possession.
To enable Super-Lock turn on the vehicle s ignition, give the radio transmitter button a
quick press, type 9 on the keypad and immediately turn off the ignition.
Arming the Security System After Enabling Super-Lock
After enabling Super-Lock you may arm the security system once in the normal
way using the radio transmitter.
Disarming the Security System After Enabling Super-Lock
To do this, enter the vehicle, the siren will sound, type your PIN code into the
keypad, the security system will disarm in the normal way.
All your radio transmitters will now function as normal.
Adjusting Door Open Warning Bleep Volume(Option *on the keypad)
To switch between loud and soft door open warning bleeps,turn on the vehicle signition,
type *on the keypad and immediately turn off the ignition.
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6. Radio Transmitters
Your SUBARU Category 1 Alarm System s radio transmitters operate on the DTI and
R&TTE approved frequency of 433.92mhz, for use in all EU member states. Although
extremely robust you must take care of your radio transmitters to prolong their working
If you lose or damage a radio transmitter, replace it immediately.
If you need more than two radio transmitters for your security system your SUBARU
dealer can supply a third or fourth transmitter (maximum 4 to preserve security).
The radio transmitters are battery powered and although the batteries are long life
lithium cells, it is recommended that these are changed every year.Your SUBARU
dealer will be pleased to supply these for you.
Replacing the Batteries in a Radio Transmitter
Eventually the lithium battery cells will need replacing. A symptom of low battery power is
reduced operating range from the vehicle. To maintain optimum performance of the radio
transmitter it is good practice to replace the lithium battery cells annually.
The radio transmitters are built into the ignition keys and are powered by single lithium
cell (model number CR1620). For information on changing the cells in these transmitters
consult your vehicle handbook.
Lithium battery cells should not be exposed to temperatures exceeding 60”C
(140”F). You must dispose of depleted lithium batteries carefully. Battery cells may
explode or leak if recharged, incinerated or short-circuited. Your local authority will
advise you of the correct disposal method in your area.
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Teaching New Radio Transmitters to the Security System
When teaching one or more radio transmitters into the security system all previous
radio transmitters will be erased from the security system. You must always teach
ALL the radio transmitters required to operate the security system during the
Teaching New Radio Transmitters to the Security System process.
When using the keypad, each time a button is pressed the LED on the keypadwill
flash once as confirmation. The next button should not be pressed before this
confirmation. However, you only have 10 seconds to enter the next character.Ifyou
do not press the next character within this time period the LED on the keypadwill
flash repeatedly,after which you must start the sequence again from the beginning.
W ith the ignition switched off and the security system disarmed,type into the keypad the
Where AAAArepresents the 4-digit PIN code and n represents the total number of radio
transmitters to be recognised by the security system (maximum 4). To confirm correct
input of you PIN code the siren will bleep after entering the last digit. The numeric 91 is
the access code or command, which tells the alarm unit to accept the new transmitters.
Then immediately give the button on the first radio transmitter a quick press, the siren will
bleep, now give the button on the second radio transmitter a quick press, the siren will
bleep again, continue with third and fourth radio transmitters (if applicable). After pressing
your final radio transmitter wait 10 seconds. Finally test that all your radio transmitters arm
and disarm the security system.
So for example if the PIN code is 1234 and you wish to programme in 2 radio
transmitters you would type in:
Your PIN code (the alarm will bleep)
Notifies the alarm that you want to programme the radio transmitters
Is the number of radio transmitters that you want to programme in
Confirms you want to program radio transmitters and will be followed by a bleep
Then press the remote keys at the appropriate time.
Example only
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7.Trouble Shooting Table
Security system will
not arm/disarm from
radio transmitter.
Are you parked near high
power radio transmitter
masts? These could be
blocking your signal.
Enter PIN number and
override security system.
Drive vehicle to an area with
no interference.
Battery in the radio
transmitter is flat.
Try another radio transmitter.
Change the battery.
Check vehicle signition is
Turn vehicle signition of.f
Vehicle s battery is flat
Charge vehicle battery
Vehicle will not start
Has the automatic
immobilisation set?
W ith the ignition ON press
the radio transmitter button
once - dashboard LED will
flash-start vehicle.
Check vehicle sbattery is
Charge vehicle sbattery.
Security system
activates with no
apparent cause
Are any of the doors,
windows, bonnet, boot or
sunroof open?
Close opening and re-arm.
Check for moving items in
vehicle, i.e. air fresheners,
etc. hanging from rear view
Remove item.
People or animals are
inside the vehicle.
Follow operating
instructions to disable
ultrasonic sensors whilst
vehicle is occupied.
Check all air vents are
If open, close vents.
Make sure all the security system s radio transmitter keys operate.
Replace radio transmitter batteries annually.
If a radio transmitter is lost or damaged replace it immediately.
Further problems should be referred to your SUBARUdealer at the soonest possible
X i. Universal Opins.qxd 24/09/2004 11:44 Page 18
8. Notes
X i. Universal Opins.qxd 24/09/2004 11:44 Page 19
This manual is published by Sigma without any warranty on the content. Sigma reserves the right to
make improvementsand changes to this manual due to typographical errors, inaccuracies of
currently available information, or improvementstosoftware or hardware, at any time without notice.
Such changes will be included in future editions of this manual.
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